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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Doctor Kay Scarpetta

Perhaps some of you have read one or more of the 16 books by Patricia Cornwell that follow the original medical examiner (in later books she becomes a private consultant, forensic pathologist, etc.) Dr. Kay Scarpetta in her thrilling and well-written crime investigations. I have read many books, especially since the recurring character Lucy Farinelli, Dr. Scarpetta’s niece, gets older.

By now you probably are wondering why I’m telling you the above as this is the movie blog; well, I really haven’t opened the book blog, but some of you remember that I devour books as much as I devour movies. So, it’s no surprise that I’m very familiar with the crime novels as well as with Dr. Scarpetta and Lucy Farinelli characters.

The reason why I’m writing about the book series here is because an article in Variety by Michael Fleming that announces a new deal between Fox 2000, Patricia Cornwell and strange enough, Angelina Jolie; a deal that will bring to the big screen the Scarpetta character.

First, it was about time that the bestselling book series made it to the big screen. Second, it is sort of interesting to find that the rights are for the character more than for a specific book or books, as this allows the creation of new and/or different adventures and a “fresh” screenplay that could keep the character intact (faithful to the books) but take her into more cinematic situations, just like what they did with the Bourne character from the Robert Ludlum book series.

Third, for those of us that know the character is REALLY strange to find that Angelina Jolie will play Dr. Scarpetta. Why? Just check the fictional character bio from wiki that is here. But I can tell you the basics: She is blonde, and a sharp dresser, although always professional. She is a perfectionist, an incredibly hard worker, completely immersed in her work. Scarpetta loves to cook, particularly Italian food. So, the character is basically a blond Italian… that for many of us in our heads looks more like the real Patricia Cornwell than Angelina Jolie.

You know that I’ll watch everything with Angelina Jolie in it and when the first movie is finally done, surely I’ll watch. But gee, I’ll have to really erase the image I have in my head and hope that Jolie is not miscast as Scarpetta. If anyone asked me she best fits the Lucy Farinelli character, but I imagine that is such a commercial risk to have Jolie play lesbian in the big screen that they will simply not do it. Yeah, Lucy is lesbian and a very strong intelligent (genius IQ) woman. I’m sure that now that you know the character brief bio you can also see Jolie playing Lucy.

Anyway the project is still in the very beginning, so changes could happen; but the best part of the announcement is that the very entertaining book series will finally come to the screen and we will have another great female character in the so-called “silver screen” for our enjoyment. To check the Variety article go here.

For those not familiar with the book series, the above picture is none other than Patricia Cornwell and I include it here to share the image in my head of Dr. Scarpetta. Definitively does not look at all like anything that Angelina Jolie could become, not even if she dyes her hair blonde… which I hope they don’t do it and remember that the only movie I can recall with Jolie wearing blond in her head was a huge disappointment and a commercial flop.


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