2022/2023 Key Dates

Update Film Critics Awards Summary - February 19: Winners from Vancouver Film Critics Circle.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

73rd Berlin International Film Festival Award Winners

As loyal readers have noticed I haven't post much during current  award season and the reason-why  is because have to take care of an ill very close family member. Still, have tried to retweet most of the relevant film related news that havebeen reading.

As Berlinale is one of the three main film festivals in the world and consequently, great films undoubtedly will win awards to call audience attention -and mine- thus most will become must-be-seen in the following year. So, will do the very-long award winners post.

Worth mention that found festival to be slow, not many films got audiences and critics positive attention -nor mine-; so, perhaps juries and their prizes will generate more buzz around award winning films. Let's see what happens in a few hours, when the closing ceremony will take place.

Post was In Progress until after the closing ceremony tonight.

As many comment Berlinale 2023 gave us cinema lovers an interesting and quite unexpected group of winners, many -almost all- must be seen for me. That's quite surprising as many film pundits were expressing not positive feelings about the Jury President and the too-many female jury members (!!!). Then I was flabbergasted with the many tweets expresing high praise to the speeches of the Jury President! Gosh what did they expected from a jury president? Alright to be fair my Kristen Stewart expectations were high and all were met beyond what I could imagine; so, those film critics, film commentators and/or film bloggers that do not appreciate Stewart were those that praised her most -and they mention their previous dislike.

Among the milestones of this edition, there are two interesting the youngest Jury President ever gave an award to the youngest actor ever. Eight-years-old Sofia Otero won the Leading Performance award which was presented by Kristen Stewart.

Not many like documentaries to win top awards and do not undestand why as docs are great movies as much as any good fiction and the very-popular nowadays fiction-documentary fusion. Truth is that as much cinema find boxes and/or labels to clasiffy the worldwide film production, the more filmmakers that will evolve into getting out of the box or destroying the box completely ... and, my friend, no other type of cinema has done it more than documentaries for our viewing pleasure.

Hope next year I'll be back to my full film festival enjoyment mood and until then Auf Wiedersehen.

The Winners List

Golden Bear for Best Film: Sur l’Adamant (On the Adamant), Nicolas Philibert, France and Japan (documentary)

Silver Bear Jury Grand Prize: Roter Himmel (Afire), Christian Petzold, Germany
Silver Bear Jury Prize: Mal Viver (Bad Living), João Canijo, Portugal and France

Silver Bear for Best Director: Philippe Garrel for Le grand chariot (The Plough), France and Switzerland

Silver Bear for Best Leading Performance: Sofía Otero in 20.000 Especies de Abejas (20,000 Species of Bees), Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, Spain
Silver Bear for Best Supporting Performance: Thea Ehre in Bis ans Ende der Nacht (Till the End of the Night), Christoph Hochhäusler, Germany

Silver Bear for Best Screenplay: Angela Schanelec for Music, Angela Schanelec, Germany, France and Serbia

Silver Bear for Outstanding Contribution
: Hélène Louvart for the cinematography in Disco Boy, Giacomo Abbruzzese, France, Italy, Belgium and Poland

Best First Feature Award: Adentro mío estoy bailando (The Klezmer Project) by Leandro Koch, Paloma Schachmann, Austria and Argentina
Special Mention: The Bride, Myriam U. Birara, Rwanda

Documentary Award: El Eco (The Echo), Mexico and Germany (documentary)
Special Mention:  Orlando, ma biographie politique (Orlando, My Political Biography), Paul B. Preciado, France

Best Film: Here, Bas Devos, Belgium
Special Jury Award ex-aequo
Orlando, ma biographie politique (Orlando, My Political Biography), Paul B. Preciado, France
Samsara, Lois Patiño, Spain
Best Director: Tatiana Huezo for El Eco (The Echo), Mexico and Germany (documentary)

Short Films
Golden Bear: Les chenilles, Michelle Keserwany and Noel Keserwany, France and Lebanon
Silver Bear: Marungka tjalatjunu (Dipped in Black), Matthew Thorne and Derik Lynch, Australia
Special Mention: It’s a Date, Nadia Parfan, Ukraine
Berlin Short Film Candidate for the European Film Awards: Les chenilles, Michelle Keserwany and Noel Keserwany, France and Lebanon


Generation Kplus
Prizes of Children's Jury
Crystal Bear for Best Film: Sweet As, Jub Clerc. Australia
Special Mention: Zeevonk (Sea Sparkle), Domien Huyghe, Belgium and Netherlands
Cristal Bear for Best Short Film: Closing Dynasty, Lloyd Lee Choi, USA
Special Mention: Deniska umřela (Dede Is Dead). Philippe Kastner, Czech Republic
Prizes of International Jury Generation Kplus
Grand Prix for Best Film : Mimi (She - Hero), Mira Farnay, Slovakia
Special Mention: L’Amour du monde (Longing for the World), Jenna Hasse, Switzerland
Special Prize for Best Short Film: Im Stillen erwachen (Waking Up in Silence), Germany and Ukraine
Special Mention: Xiaohui he ta de niu (Xiaohui and His Cows), Xinying Lao, China

Generation 14Plus
Prizes of Youth Jury
Crystal bear for Best Film: Adolfo, Sofía Auza, USA and Mexico
Special Mention: And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine, Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck, Sweden and Denmark (documentary)
Cristal Bear for Best Short Film: Man khod, man ham miraghsam (And Me, I'm Dancing Too), Mohammad Valizadegan, Iran, Germany and Czechia
Special Mention: Szemem sarka (From the Corner of My Eyes), Domonkos Erhardt, Hungary
Prizes of International Jury Generation 14Plus
Grand Prix for Best Film: Hummingbirds, Silvia Del Carmen Castaños and Estefanía “Beba” Contreras, USA
Special Mention: Mutt, Vuk Lungulov-Klotz, USA
Special Prize for Best Short Film: Infantaria (Infantry), Laís Santos Araújo, Brazil
Special Mention: Incroci, Francesca de Fusco, USA

Perspektive Deutches Kino
Compass-Perspective-Award: Sieben Winter in Teheran (Seven Winters in Tehran), Steffi Niederzoli, Germany and France (documentary)
Honorable Mention: El Secuestro de la Novia (The Kidnapping of the Bride), Sophia Mocorrea, Germany

TV Series
Berlinale Series Award: The Good Mothers, Julian Jarrold, Elisa Amoruso, UK and Italy
Special Mention: Arkitekten (The Architect), Kerren Lumer-Klabbers, Norway

Collateral Awards - Prized from Independent Juries

Competition: The Survival of Kindness, Rolf de Heer, Australia
Encounters: Here, Bas Devos, Belgium
Panorama: Stille Liv (The Quiet Migration), Malene Choi, Denmark
Forum: Între revoluții (Between Revolutions), Vlad Petri, Romania, Croatia, Iran

Ecumenical Jury Awards
Competition: Tótem, Lila Avilés, Mexico, Denmark and France
Special Mention: Sur l’Adamant (On the Adamant), Nicolas Philibert, France and Japan (documentary)
Panorama: Sages-femmes (Midwives), Léa Fehner, France
Forum: Jaii keh khoda nist (Where God Is Not), Mehran Tamadon, France and Switzerland (documentary)

AG Kino Gilde - Cinema Vision 14Plus: And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine, Axel Danielson, Maximilien Van Aertryck, Sweden and Denmark (documentary)

Amnesty International Film Award: Al Murhaqoon (The Burdened), Amr Gamal, Yemen, Sudan and Saudi Arabia

Caligari Fillm Prize: De Facto, Selma Doborac, Austria and Germany

Confédération Internationale des Cinémas d’Art et d’Essai (C.I.C.A.E.)
Panorama: Das Lehrerzimmer (The Teacher's Lounge), İlker Çatak, Germany
Forum: El Rostro de la Medusa (The Face of Jellyfish), Melisa Liebenthal, Argentina

Label Europa Cinemas: Das Lehrerzimmer (The Teacher's Lounge), İlker Çatak, Germany

Guild Film Prize: 20,000 Especies de Abejas (20,000 Species of Bees), Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, Spain

Heiner Carow Prize: Knochen und Namen (Bones and Names), Fabian Stumm, Germany

Peace Film PrizeSieben Winter in Teheran (Seven Winters in Tehran), Steffi Niederzoli, Germany and France (documentary)

Teddy Awards
Best Film: All The Colors in the World are Between Black and White, Babatunde Apalowe, Nigeria
Jury Award: Silver Haze, Sacha Polak, Netherlands and UK
Best Documentary: Orlando, Ma Biographie Politique (Orlando, My Political Biography), Paul B. Preciado, France
Best Short Film: Marungka Tjalat Junu (Dipped in Black), Matthew Thorne and Derik Lynch, Australia
Special Teddy to Andriy Khalpakhchi and Bohdan Zhuk

Development Awards

ArteKino International Award: Peeled Skin, Leonie Krippendorff, Germany

Euroimages Co-Production Development Award: Iván y Hadoum (Ivan and Hadoum), Ian de la Rosa, Spain
Special Award: The Blindsight, Ruslan Batytskyi, Ukraine

My Beloved Man's Female Body, Anna Melikova, Germany
Paraphrase on the Finding of a Gove, Mareike Wegener,

VFF Talent Highlight Award: Dios y la Cumbia del Diablo (God and the Devil's Cumbia), Carlos Lenin, Mexico

Talents Footprints
Carlos Ormeño Palma
Miguel Ángel Sánchez
Phillip Leteka

Audience Awards

Panorama Audience Awards
Prize winner Fiction Film 2023
1st Place: Sira, Apolline Traoré, Burkina Faso, France, Germany and Senegal
2nd Place: Al Murhaqoon (The Burdened), Amr Gamal, Yemen, Sudan and Saudi Arabia
3rd Place: Sages-femmes (Midwives), Léa Fehner, France

Prize Winner Documentary Film 2023
1st Place: Kokomo City, D. Smith, USA
2nd Place: La Memoria Infinita (The Eternal Memory,) Maite Alberdi, Chile
3rd Place: Au cimetière de la pelliculle (The Cemetery of Cinema), Thierno Souleymane Diallo, France, Senegal, Guinea and Saudi Arabia

Readers' Juries
Berliner Morgenpost Readers' Jury Award: 20,000 Especies de Abejas (20,000 Species of Bees), Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, Spain
Tagesspiegel Readers' Jury Award: Orlando, Ma Biographie Politique (Orlando, My Political Biography), Paul B. Preciado, France

Honorary Golden Bear: Steven Spielberg
Berlinale Camera: Caroline Champetier, cinematographer

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