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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Coco Chanel

I had to watch this made for TV movie even when the film was broadcasted in the Lifetime channel that well, it’s not exactly the best place to see ‘good’ movies. But this movie was a very pleasant surprise as has impeccable tech specs with high production values and one excellent performance by Barbora Bobulova that simply put, she’s so beautiful and looks so beautiful in this film that you cannot take your eyes from her.

As a matter of fact Bobulova performs so good that she steals the complete movie and honestly you wish to see more of Chanel’s early life only to be able to continue seeing Bobulova in the screen. And this is no small success as she was competing with older Chanel played by none other than Shirley MacLaine.

The movie is about Chanel’s love life and not about how she influenced couture; I mention this as probably the upcoming Chanel other movie starring Audrey Tautou will have what most critics were expecting in this movie from a remarkable fashion icon. This is a pure soapy romance that became really interesting only because Bobulova performance and high production values.

I first “met” Bobulova in Ferzan Ozpetek movie Cuore Sacro and was mesmerized by her performance that I found it above the impeccable director credentials; but when watching Coco Chanel I did not remember her, so all my reaction to her performance came spontaneously. When I started to read about the movie, then I realized she was also in Ozpetek’s film. Can’t believe that I ‘forgot’ her, but from now on and after she captivating me with her performances, I will not forget about her again. That’s how good she’s in this movie.

So, if by any chance you have the opportunity to catch Coco Chanel in the Lifetime chanel, I suggest you give it a try just to be able to watch Bobulova’s performance, as it is really outstanding.

If you want to see a movie that goes deeper into the life of the fashion icon, then I suggest you wait until the movie Coco Avant Chanel by Anne Fontaine is released next year.

One last thing, if you feel like watching this movie you will need to spare more than the regular movie time, as this movie is three hours long! But honestly I didn’t notice time and the only thing that bothered me were the commercial breaks.


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