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Update Film Critics Awards Summary - February 22: Nominations from International Film Society Critics.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

61st David di Donatello Awards Winners

Last Monday, March 27th the Italian cinema academy had their award ceremony and Like Crazy by Paolo Virzì won top honors and a total of 5 prizes but top winners were Indivisible and Italian Race as each took 6 awards.

Roberto Benigni was honored with a special career achievement award presented by President Sergio Mattarella and Italy's Culture Minister Dario Francheschini.

To check winners in all categories go official site here.  Winners for main categories are below in *BLUE.

Today the Accademia del Cinema Italiano announced at the Casa del Cinema, the nominations for the 2017 edition of the annual David di Donatello awards that honor Italian cinema.

Two films lead the pack, each with 17 nominations, Indivisibili by Edoardo De Angelis and La Pazza Gioia by Paolo Virzì followed very close by Veloce come il Vento by Matteo Rovere with 16.  Most remarkable is the two nominations for Valerio Mastandrea as Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor.

There are some films from 2016 Cannes like Sweet Dreams and Like Crazy that opened at Directors Fortnight, Fiore that also opened at the Directors sidebar and was competing for the Queer Palm, or films from 2016 Biennale like Indivisible that won several collateral awards, just to mention films from the five nominees to Best Film.

Have to confess that also in 2016 -as happened in 2015- did not watched much Italian cinema but as always occurs when doing the annual awards, and this time is no exception, some films have become relevant for me to NOT skip and surely will add a few to my film viewing too-long queue. 

Best Film
Fai bei sogni (Sweet Dreams)
Indivisibili (Indivisible)
*La Pazza Gioa (Like Crazy)
Veloce come il vento (Italian Race)

Best European Film
Florence Foster Jenkins, Stephen Frears
*I, Daniel Blake, Ken Loach
Julieta, Pedro Almodóvar
Sing Street, John Carney
Truman, Cesc Gay

Best Foreign Film
*Nocturnal Animals, Tom Ford
Captain Fantastic, Matt Ross
Lion, Garth Davis
Paterson, Jim Jarmusch
Sully, Clint Eastwood

Best Documentary
60 - Ieri, oggi, domani, Giorgio Treves
Acqua e zucchero: Carlo Di Palma, i colori della vita, Fariborz Kamkari
*Crazy for football, Volfango de Biasi
Liberami, Federica di Giacomo
Magic Island, Marco Amenta

Best Director
Marco Bellocchio for Fai bei sogni (Sweet Dreams)
Claudio Giovannesi for Fiore
Eduardo De Angelis for Indivisibili (Indivisible)
Matteo Rovere for Veloce come il vento
*Paolo Virzì for La pazza gioia (Like Crazy)

Best New Director
Michele Vannucci for Il più grande sogno
*Marco Danieli for La ragazza del mondo (Worldly Girl)
Marco Segato for La pelle dell’orso
Fabio Guaglione and Fabio Resinaro for Mine
Lorenzo Corvino for WAX: We Are X

Best Actress
Daphne Scoccia in Fiore
Angela and Marianna Fontana in Indivisibili (Indivisible)
*Valeria Bruni Tedeschi in La pazza gioia (Like Crazy)
Micaela Ramazzotti in La pazza gioia (Like Crazy)
Matilda De Angelis in Veloce come il vento (Italian Race)

Best Supporting Actress
*Antonia Truppo in Indivisibili (Indivisible)
Valentina Carnelutti in La pazza gioia (Like Crazy)
Valeria Golino in La vita possibile
Michela Cescon in Piuma
Roberta Mattei in Veloce come il vento (Italian Race)

Best Actor
Valerio Mastandrea in Fai bei sogni (Sweet Dreams)
Michele Riondino in La ragazza del mondo (Worldly Girl)
Sergio Rubini in La stoffa dei sogni
Toni Servillo in  Le confessioni (The Confessions)
*Stefano Accorsi in Veloce come il vento (Italian Race)

Best Supporting Actor
*Valerio Mastrandrea in Fiore
Massimiliano Rossi in Indivisibili (Indivisible)
Ennio Fantastichini in La stoffa dei sogni
Pierfrancesco Favino in Le confessioni (The Confessions)
Roberto De Francesco in Le ultime cose

To check nominees in other categories go official site here, available only in Italian. For the second year the awards ceremony will be produced by Sky Cinema and broadcasted live in Sky Cinema Uno, Sky Cinema David di Donatello, Sky Uno, Sky Arte and TV8 on March 27 at 9:15pm local time; ceremony host is Alessandro Cattelan.

Video with excerpts from the five films nominated to 2017 Best Film

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