Friday, May 15, 2009

Fanny Ardant in Cannes - Update

Update: The movie site is up here and if you wish you can download the Press Book here with lots of information and an interview with Fanny. There are two movie clips in the site that I suggest you watch. From the clips I like her directing style a lot... has to be a great movie!-end of update-

Can’t find the annoucement in the fest site, but the news are allover the French net and in a few English services and sites. But because it is for me really outstanding I have to share with you all the amazing news.

From AFP
A special tribute is to be made to French actress Fanny Ardant at next month's Cannes film festival and she will get a special slot for her directorial debut. Ardant, 60, was one of the leading stars of European cinema in the 1980s. She was the last companion of "New Wave" director Francois Truffault, who died in 1984.

Her first film, Cendres et Sang (Ashes and Blood), is to be screened out of competition on the eve of the finale of the 12-day movie bonanza. Starring Israeli actress Ronit Elkabetz, the film is about a woman who returns to Marseille in France with her children following an 18-year absence, after the death of her husband. Written by Fanny Ardant based on a story by Ismaïl Kadaré

Wow! I’m really curious to see how her incredibly good talent translates to behind the camera and of course from this moment on her film becomes a must be seen for me.

Out of Competition
Cendres et Sang (Ashes and Blood), Fanny Ardant, France and Romania, 2009 IMDb allocine Producer Site France Producer Site Romania

Synopsis (French)
Un été à Marseille. D'origine étrangère, Judith élève seule ses trois enfants depuis l'assassinat de son mari, dix ans plus tôt. L'aîné, Ismaël, est un garçon de 22 ans qui respire la joie de vivre. Son frère Pashko, 20 ans, est beaucoup plus taciturne. Quant à Mira, 15 ans, elle est d'une grande gaieté, malgré sa surdité... A l'occasion d'une fête de mariage dans sa famille, Judith décide de revenir au pays avec ses enfants, après dix-huit ans d'absence. Mais son retour ravive les vieilles haines entre clans rivaux. Inexorablement, l'engrenage de la violence se met en marche, le sang versé appelant le sang...

Le tournage de Cendres et sang a débuté le mardi 30 septembre 2008 en Roumanie, près de la ville de Sfantu Gheorghe. Fanny Ardant explique avoir choisi ce pays pour son premier film en tant que réalisatrice parce qu'elle avait apprécié le professionnalisme des acteurs et des techniciens locaux sur le tournage de Callas Forever, le biopic consacré à la diva dont Ardant tenait le rôle-titre.

Synopsis (English)
A summer in Marseille, Judith, a woman of foreign origin, raises her three children alone since the murder of her husband, ten years ago. The elder one, Ismaël, is a 22 years old full of life boy. His brother, Pasko, aged 20, is way more silent. Then, Mira, 15, is a cheerful young girl despite her deafness. As there is a wedding in her family, Judith takes the decision to come back to her country with her children afer eighteen years of absence. But her return revives old hatreds between rival clans. Unrelentingly, the spire of violence is started, blood calling blood.

Pics are from the production and if you browse the net you will find many more photos.

Also in today’s news a new addition to the Special Screenings program which also is an out of competition film.

여행자 Yeohaengja (Une Vie Toute Neuve - A Brand New Life), Ounie Lecomte, France and South Korea, 2009 IMDb Wiki

To check both films at the fest site go here and browse to the end. I have already added both movies to the Additional Screenings post, but some of you understand that I had to do a special post because Fanny Ardant.


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