Friday, June 20, 2008


I think this time I totally have to agree with most critics comments about this movie, as like one says, with the excitement of being able to watch a Nicolas Roeg movie I endured the movie even when after 20 minutes or so, I knew that this was not going to be a good movie.

Tells a story of women having babies mixed with supernatural events with the aid of Nordic Gods, lots of rough sex that you do not totally see, lots of unpleasant special effects, jealousy, witchery, joy, grief and hope. Actually after re-reading the last sentence it sounds good, but no it is not good at all.

I was also exited to be able to see Rita Tushinghan that for some odd reason I still remember her 1964 movie Girl with Green Eyes, but here her character, the matriarch/witch was so not credible that it was a true disappointment. Also here Miranda Richardson that to save words I say ditto (bad character) and cute Kelly Reilly that it was the only cute thing to watch in this awful movie.

The only thing that I didn’t found that bad is the cinematography with very nice takes of beautiful Ireland country landscapes.

No I can’t recommend this movie and if you have it in your skip list, let it stay there.


On June 20, Storyteller said...
Hi Merlina,

Don’t worry, writing a comment is like e-mailing me, as get it in my e-mail.

I did a superficial check in the sites where I find all about GOOD films that are or will be released in DVDs. The best site is Masters of Cinema that you find the link in the link section of the blog, or use the following link. In the MOC site be sure to check in the column to your right the DVD Labels section and check those sites to find if they have or will release this or any other movie that you want to see.

Obvious sites like amazon (any country) does not have the vhs o dvd, but I google to try to find info about a release in vhs, dvd or any other format and couldn’t find any, no matter the language. Searching the director Ivan Dykhovichnyj gives only one VHS for Moscow Parade. But I imagine that you already have done the searches.

In DVD aficionado they have two that are not anywhere else, so you might like to check the site to contact them to see if they find it for you.

Obviously my Russian is very limited, but I believe that finding a Russian shop for Russian movies could help to find how this movie has been released.

Well, not the answer you probably were expecting, but hope the sites links help you, especially the DVD Aficionado. :)

On June 20, m e r l i n a said...
hi, I wanted to write you an email but I couldn't find your email address...I found your blog googling a movie I'm looking for and I think it is pretty good! I like that you talk about different movies and not jjust the same popular ones. I think maybe you can help me to fin a movie The Black MOnk by Ivan Dykhovichnyj; do you know where can I buy it, it doesn't matter if it's vhs, I am crazy looking for it.. well I hope you can help me out and keep up the great work at your blog...