Saturday, July 07, 2007
La Finestra di Fronte (Facing Window)
This Ferzan Ozpetek 2003 movie tells the story of two loves that are considered “improper” by society, the first in 1943 between two men and the second today between a married woman and a man.
Yes, those movies in the Locarno festival gave me the idea to duplicate the experience and well, I will do it, even if I have seen almost all those movies before, I will watch some of them again just to celebrate these fantastic ladies of Italian cinema.
Here Giovanna Mezzogiorno not only is serene beautiful, but gives a great performance as a troubled woman doomed with a flat and boring life, but very clear about where her loyalty lies even if she is tempted to follow her love for Lorenzo.
But actually, the movie is about those things than society condemns and people not willing to deal with them above their society rules and regulations.
Great music, magnificent performances by Massimo Girotti and even Raoul Bova complement this drama that won 18 awards and had 15 nominations in international festivals and awards.Two years after this movie, Mezzogiorno went to play Sabina in the lesbian interest movie La Bestia Nel Cuore and among many other movies is worth mentioning that she is part of the cast of the 2007 Love in The Times of Cholera based on Gabriel García Márquez novel.
Mezzogiorno won the 2003 David for La Finestra di Fronte for best actress and was nominated for the 2005 and 2006 David for L'Amore Ritorna and La Bestia Nel Cuore respectively. Her outstanding performance in La Bestia nel Coure gave her the Volpi Cup in the 2005 Venice Film Festival. In total she has won 10 awards and has 5 nominations in different awards and festivals around the world.
Ozpetek is a laureate director that also directed the superb Saturno Contro.
This is a strong adult drama that you can watch many times and still enjoy it very much.
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