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Update Film Critics Awards Summary - February 22: Nominations from International Film Society Critics.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Uzak (Distant)

This movie by Nuri Bilge Ceylan was filmed before Ilklimler and uses the same technique to approach his story, same pace, same silences, same attention to details and same actors expressions. Maybe I should say that in Ilklimer he used the same technique as in Distant.

If I was speaking about food I could say that both dishes have the same ingredients and kitchen team, but each dish tastes different. One is delicious the other is extremely bad tasting. Using this image, Distant has a very bad taste although it had the same ingredients and the same cook as delicious Ilklimer.

Maybe I could not enjoy this picture because I saw Ilklimer first and I really like it, maybe this story was not appealing to me, but whatever reason I could not even watch the complete movie, I fast forwarded to the end… well, there where only a few minutes left but I said enough and I almost never do this to a movie.

Tells the story of two opposite men, one a bitter unsatisfied city dweller and his cousin that arrives from the countryside to find work, as he is unemployed.

This movie is the winner of 18 awards including the France Culture Award for Foreign Cineaste of the Year in the 2004 Cannes Film Festival. Me, I could definitively give those awards to Bilge Ceylan but for Ilklimler not for this one.

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