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Update Film Critics Awards Summary - February 22: Nominations from International Film Society Critics.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Nastri D'Argento 2007

I know, I know! Cannes Film Festival is very special, but quite a few things are happening too. One is that the Nastri D’Argento (Silver Ribbons) 2007 nominations were announced recently. Winners will be announced in early June. Italy’s national film journalists’ union SNGCI votes these awards, which are the oldest awards in Italy. Here are some nominations.

Director of the Best Italian Film/Registra del Miglior Film Italiano

Il Caimano (The Caiman), Comedy/Drama, Italy/France, Nanni Moretti
In Memoria di Me (In Memory of Myself), Drama, Italy, Saverio Costanzo
Nuovomondo (The Golden Door), Drama, Italy/Germany/France, Emanuele Crialese
Il Regista di Matrimoni (The Wedding Director), Drama, Italy, Marco Bellocchio
Saturno Contro (Saturn in Opposition), Drama, Italy, Ferzan Ozpetek
La Sconosciuta (The Unknown Woman), Drama, Italy, Giuseppe Tornatore

Best New Director/Miglior Registra Esordiente

Mater Natura, Comedy, Italy, Massimo Andre
L’Aria Salata (Salty Air), Drama, Italy, Alessandro Angelin
Il 7 e L’8 (The 7 and the 8), Comedy, Italy, Giambattista Avellino, Salvo Ficarra, Valentino Picone
Sangue - la Morte non Esiste (Blood - Death is not the End), Drama, Italy, Libero De Rienzo
Apnea, Drama, Italy, Roberto Dordit
Anche libero va bene (Along the Ridge), Drama, Italy, Kim Rossi Stuart

Best Actor/Attore Protagonista

Diego Abatantuono, La cena per farli conoscere, Comedy, Italy, Pupi Avanti
Marco Leonard, Maradona, la Mano de Dios (Maradona, the Hand of God), Drama, Argentina/Italy, Marco Risi
Silvio Orlando, Il Caimano (The Caiman), Comedy/Drama, Italy/France, Nanni Moretti
Giorgio Pasotti and Giorgio Colangeli, L’Aria Salata (Salty Air), Drama, Italy, Alessandro Angelin
Giacomo Rizzo, L’amico di famiglia (Family Friend), Drama, Italy/France, Paolo Sorrentino
Carlo Verdone and Silvio Muccino, Il mio miglior nemico (My Best Enemy), Comedy, Italy, Carlo Verdone

Best Actress/Atrice Protagonista

Margherita Buy, Il Caimano (The Caiman) and Saturno Contro (Saturn in Opposition), Drama, Italy, Ferzan Ozpetek
Laura Chiatti, L’Amico di Famiglia (Family Friend), Drama, Italy/France, Paolo Sorrentino
Donatella Finocchiaro, Il Regista di Matrimony (The Wedding Director), Drama, Italy, Marco Bellocchio
Valeria Golino, La Guerra di Mario (Mario’s War), Drama, Italy, Antonio Capuano
Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Lezioni di Volo (Flight Lessons), Drama, Italy, Francesca Archibugi
Laura Morante, Coeurs (Private Fears in Public Places), Drama, France/Italy, Alain Resnais

Best European Film/Miglior Film Europeo

Casino Royale, UK/USA/Germany/Czech Republic, Martin Campbell
Die Große Stille (Into Great Silence), Documentary, France/Switzerland/Germany, Philip Gröning
The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Drama/War,UK/Germany/Italy/Spain/France/Ireland, Ken Loach
Volver, Spain, Pedro Almodovar
Adams æbler (Adam’s Apples), Comedy, Germany/Denmark, Anders Thomas Jensen
The Queen, UK/France/Italy, Stephen Frears

Best non-European Film/Miglior Filmextraeuropeo

Letters From Iwo Jima, USA, Clint Eastwood
Little Miss Sunshine, USA, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris
Match Point, USA, Woody Allen
Sanxia Haoren (Still Life), Drama/Romance, China/Hong Kong, Jia Zhang Ke
The Departed, USA, Martin Scorsese
Water, Canada, Deepa Metha

If you want to learn about other nominations check here:

I do like Italian movies and haven’t seen one lately (I have been allover the world … and skipped Italy!); perhaps I should start my Italian cycle now that I have some interesting movies to watch like the following.

Mater Natura about cross-dressers and transsexuals,
Il Registra di Matrimoni a surrealistic story about a filmmaker who is hired to videotape the wedding of a princess.

There is one documentary I would like to watch and is Giuseppe Bertolucci’s Passolini Prossimo Nostro (Pasolini Next to Us) that is a collage of stills taken by photographer Deborah Imogen Beer on the set of Pasolini’s this highly controversial Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom).

Then there is “that” movie that I have not seen for whatever reasons and now maybe I decide to watch it, I talking about The Wind That Shakes the Barley…

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