Friday, July 12, 2024

97th Academy Awards International Feature Film Submissions

Update: Today August 2, 2024 the first two countries announced their submissions and the race is open for the most sought-after award in the Industry plus more interesting The List with all the great movies we all hope to see as-soon-as-possible has just started! Hooray!

As every year the list includes info about festivals when movie has participated and won awards plus female directors are highlighted in BLUE. Also synopsis and tralers are available at my trailers site (MOC) as well as the movie poster collection in Pinterest. Be aware that Pinterest has become more strict with their images and sometimes films have posters that they will delete from the site, so if poster is not there is because was deleted by Pinterest. Sigh.


Today, Friday, July 12, 2024 is a good day to start my favorite annual post about those movies that definitively are or will become part of my must-be-seen list, the films countries submit to be considered for the #Oscars2025 Best International Feature award.  Even when no country has made an announcement, some are starting to release news about their selection processes and establishing key dates.

News from the Academy tells us they changed films eligibility period and now is from November 1st, 2023 to September 30, 2024. Also, Wednesday, October 2, 2024 is the submissions to the Academy deadline.

Category and Academy awards key dates for this edition are the following: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 Shortlist; Friday, January 17, 2025 Nominations; and Sunday, March 2, 2025 awards ceremony. The infamous Class of 2025 photo will be taken on Monday, February 10, 2025 at the Oscars Nominees Luncheon.

The 2025 List

Albania: Pikë Uji (Waterdrop), Robert Budina
Algeria: الجزائر Algiers, Chakib Taleb-Bendiab
Argentina: El Jockey (Kill The Jockey), Luis Ortega #Venezia81 Competition #BiennaleCinema2024 Edipo Re award winner and CinemaSarà award special mention
Armenia: Յաշան և Լեոնիդ Բրեժնևը Yasha and Leonid Breznev, Edgar Baghdasaryan
Austria: Des Teufels Bad (The Devil's Bath), Severin Fiala and Veronika Franz #Berlinale2024 Competition and Silver Bear winner for Outstanding Artistic Contribution to cinematography

Bangladesh: বলি Bali (The Wrestler), Iqbal Hossain Chowdhury #BIFF2023 New Currents Award winner
Belgium: Julie zwijgt (Julie Keeps Quiet), Leonardo Van Dijl #SdlC2024 SACD Award and Gan Foundation Support winner #Cannes2024
Bolivia: Mano Propia (Own Hand), Rodrigo Patiño
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Nakon ljeta (My Late Summer), Denis Tanović #30thSFF Opening Film
Brazil: Ainda estou aqui (I'm Still Here), Walter Sallers #Venezia81 Competition Best Screenplay award, Signis award. and Green Drop award winner #BiennaleCinema2024
Bulgaria: Tриумф Triumph, Kristina Grozeva and Peter Valchanov #TIFF24 Panorama Competition

Cambodia: Rendez-vous avec Pol Pot (Meeting with Pol Pot), Tithy Panh #Cannes2024 Premiere
Cameroon: Kismet, Ngang Romanus Ntseh
Canada: آواز بوقلمون Une Langue Universelle (Universal Language), Matthew Rankin #Quinzaine2024 Audience award winner #Cannes2024
Chile: El Lugar de la Otra (In Her Place), Maite Alberdi #72SSIFF Competention
China: 里斯本丸沉没 Li Si Ben wan chen mo (The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru), Fang Li (documentary)
Colombia: La Suprema, Felipe Holguín Caro #TIFF24 Discovery
Costa Rica: Memorias de un Cuerpo que Arde (Memories of a Burning Body), Antonella Sudasassi #Berlinale2024 Panorama Audience Award winner
Croatia: Lijepa večer, lijep dan (Beautiful Evening, Beautiful Day),  Ivona Juka
Czech Republic: Vlny (Waves), Jirí Mádl #KVIFF58 Audience Award winner

Denmark: Pigen med nålen (The Girl with the Needle), Magnus von Horn #Cannes2024 Competition
Dominican Republic: Aire (Aire: Just Breathe), Leticia Tonos #IFFR2024 Big Screen Competition

Ecuador: Al Otro Lado de la Niebla (Behind the Mist), Sebastián Cordero (documentary)
Egypt: 404 الرحلة Flight 404, Hani Khalifa
Estonia: Biwa järve 8 nägu (8 Views of Lake Biwa), Marko Raat #IFFR2024

Finland: Mummola (Family Time), Tia Kuovo #Belinale2023 Encounters Competition
France: Emilia Pérez, Jacques Audiard #Cannes2024 Competition Jury Prize winner, Best Actress award winner, and Cannes Soundtrack award winner

Georgia: ანტიკვარიატს Antikvariati (The Antique), Rusudan Glurjidze #Giornate2024 #BiennaleCinema2024
Germany: دانه‌ی انجیر معابد Daneh Anjeer Moghadas (The Seed of the Sacred Fig), Mohammad Rasoulof #Cannes2024 Competition Jury Special Prize, FIPRESCI Award, Ecumenical Award, AFCAE Art House Cinema Award, and Prix François Chalais winner
Greece: Φόνισσα Fonissa (Murderess), Eva Nathena

Hong Kong: 九龍城寨之圍城 Jiu Long cheng zhai · Wei cheng (Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In), Soi Cheang #Cannes2024 Midnight Screening
Hungary: Semmelweis, Lajos Koltai

Iceland: Snerting (Touch), Baltasar Kormákur
India: लापता लेडीज Laapataa Ladies (Lost Ladies), Kiran Rao #TIFF23 Event
Indonesia: Perempuan Berkelamin Darah (Women from Rote Island), Jeremias Nyangoen
Iran: در آغوش درخت Dar Aghooshe Derakht (In the Arms of the Tree), Babak Khajeh Pasha
Iraq: ميسي بغداد Baghdad Messi, Sahim Omar Kalifa
Ireland: Kneecap, Rich Peppiatt #Sundance2024 NEXT Audience Award winner
Israel: קרוב אלי Come Closer, Tom Nesher #Tribeca2024 Viwepoints Award winner
Italy: Vermiglio, Maura Delpero #Venezia81 Competition Silver Lion Grand Jury Prize winner #CinemaBiennale2024 Green Drop award, Pellicola d'Oro Chief Electrician award, and Nouvoimaei Talent Best Newcomer Actress award winner

Japan: クラウド Cloud, Kurosawa Kiyoshi #Venezia81 Out of Competition
Jordan: الحقول المتأرجحة My Sweet Land, Sareen Hairabedian (documentary)

Kazakhstan: Бауырына салу Bauryna Salu, Askhat Kuchinchirekov #71SSIFF New Directors
Kenya: Mawi, Vallentine Chelluget, Apuu Mourine, Kevin Schmutzler and Toby Schmutzler
Kyrgyzstan: Бейиш эненин таманында Beyish Enenin Tamanynda (Heaven is Beneath Mother's Feet), Ruslan Akun

Latvia: Straume (Flow), Gints Zilbalodis #Cannes2024 #UnCertainRegard (animation)
Lithuania: Sesės (Drowning Dry), Lauryno Bareišos #Locarno2024 Best Direction and Best Performance awards winner

Malaysia: Abang Adik, Lay Jin Ong
Malta: Castillo, Abigail Mallia
Mexico: Sujo, Astrid Rondero and Fernanda Valadez #Sundance2024 World Cinema Dramtic Grand Jury Prize winner
Mongolia: Баавгай Болохсон Baavgai Bolohson (If Only I Could Hibernate), Zoljargal Purevdash #UnCertain Regard Competition #Cannes2023
Montenegro: Supermarket, Nemanja Bečanović #PÖFF27 Rebels with a Cause Competition
Morocco: الجميع يحب تودا Everybody Loves Touda, Nabil Ayouch #Cannes2024 Premiere

Nepal: शाम्बाला Shambhala, Min Bahadur Bham #Berlinale2024 Competition
Netherlands: De Terugreis (Memory Lane), Jelle de Jonge
Norway: Armand, Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel #UnCertainRegard #Cannes2024 Camera d'Or winner and Best Soundtrack award winner

Pakistan: شیشہ گ  Sheesha Gar (The Glassworker), Usman Riaz (animation)
Palestine: من المسافة صفر From Ground Zero, 22 directors: Wissam Moussa, Nidal Damo, Ahmed Hassouna, Alaa Ayoub, Karim Satoum, Bashar Al Babisi, Khamis Masharawi, Nida’A Abu Hasna, Tamer Nijim, Ahmed Al Danaf, Rima Mahmoud, Muhammad Al Sharif, Basil El Maqousi, Mustafa Al Nabih, Rabab Khamis, Mustafa Kulab, Alaa Damo, Hana Eleiwa, Mahdi Kreirah, Aws Al Banna, Islam Al Zeriei, Etimad Washah (shorts omnibus documentary)
Panama: Despierta Mamá (Wake Up Mom ), Arianne Benedetti
Paraguay: Los Últimos (The Last), Sebastián Peña Escobar (documentary)
Peru: Yana-Wara, Tito Catacora and Oscar Catacora
Philippines: And So It Begins, Ramona S. Diaz #Sundance2024 Premiere (documentary)
Poland: Pod wulkanem (Under The Volcano), Damian Kocur #TIFF24 Centrepiece
Portugal: Grand Tour, Miguel Gomes #Cannes2024 Competition Best Director Award winner

Romania: Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii (Three Kilometers to the End of the World), Emanuel Pârvu #Cannes2024 Competition Queer Palm winner #30thSFF Heart of Sarajevo winner

Senegal: Dahomey, Mati Diop (documentary) #Berlinale2024 Golden Bear for Best Film winner
Serbia: Руски конзул Ruski Konzul (Russian Consul), Miroslav Lekic
Singapore: La Luna, M. Raihan Halim #IFFR2024 Closing Film
Slovakia: Ema a smrtihlav (The Hungarian Dressmaker), Iveta Grófová #KVIFF58 Competition
Slovenia: Odrešitev za začetnike (Family Therapy), Sonja Prosenc #30thSFF CICAE Award winner
South Africa: Old Righteous Blues, Muneera Sallies
South Korea: 서울의 봄 Seoului Bom (12.12: The Day), Kim Sung-Su
Spain: Segundo Premio (Saturn Return), Isaki Lacuesta and Pol Rodriguez #72SSIFF Made In Spain
Sweden: Den Sista Resan (The Last Journey), Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson (documentary)
Switzerland: Reinas, Klaudia Reynicke-Candeloro #Berlinale2024 Generation KPlus International Jury Grand Prix winner

Taiwan: 老狐狸 Lǎo hú li (Old Fox), Hsiao Ya-chuan
Tajikistan: Мелодия (Melody), Behrouz Sebt Rasoul
Thailand: หลานม่า Lahn mah (How to Make Millions Before Grandma Die), Pat Boonnitipat
Tunisia: المباين Al-Mabain (Take My Breath), Nada Mezni Hafaiedh
Turkey: Hayat (Life), Zeki Demirkubuz

Ukraine: Ля Палісіада La Palisiada, Philip Sotnychenko #IFFR2023 FIPRESCI Award winner
United Kingdom: Santosh, Sandhya Suri #UnCertainRegard Competition #Cannes2024
Uruguay: Hay Una Puerta Ahí (The Door Is There), Facundo Ponce de León y Juan Ponce de León (documentary)

Venezuela: Vuelve A La Vida (Back To Life), Luis Carlos and Alfredo Hueck
Vietnam: Đào, Phở Và Piano (Peach Blossom, Pho and Piano), Phi Tien Son

To check available info and trailer go MOC here.

To check available movie posters go my Pinterest here.


Guatemala: Registration deadline July 29. Closed. Two films in consideration voting until August 20. Closed.

Lebanon: Registration deadline September 6. Closed.

Nigeria: Registration deadline August 30.  Closed.

The Map

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