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Update Film Critics Awards Summary - February 22: Nominations from International Film Society Critics.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2012 Lux Prize Finalists

Today within the framework of the 9th edition of the ‘Venice Days’ (Giornate degli Autori) section of the Venice International Film Festival, the European Parliament unveiled the three films of the LUX Prize 2012 Competition and here they are.

Csak a szél (Just the Wind), Bence Fliegauf, Hungary, Germany and France

Io Sono Li (Shun Li and the Poet), Andrea Segre, Italy and France

Tabu, Miguel Gomes, Portugal, Germany, France and Brazil

To read the official announcement go here. The three candidates will be screened as special events at the Venice Film Festival and in all the 27 Member States of the European Union. The prize will be awarded on November 21st at a sitting of the Parliament.

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