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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Julie & Julia

Not very often I can call a movie Adorable! but believe that this film totally fits what the word means. The story is nice but what makes the movie Adorable! are the outstanding performances by Meryl Streep and Amy Adams reunited again since The Doubt, but here they do not have one single scene together. Still both real-life characters, Julia Child (Streep) and Julie Powell (Adams) couldn’t exist -in the story- one without the other.

Directed and co written by Nora Ephron the film is inspired by books written by both real women and as some of you may know, Julia Child is an American icon (yep, saw some of her TV shows and yes, they were really funny in a darkish way) and Julie Powell wrote the book with the same name as the movie.

The film tells the story of how Julia Child while living in Paris, France end up learning French cuisine and started to write her very famous book (in the 49th printing). Follows Julia while traveling to other European cities with her American diplomat husband Paul (Stanley Tucci) until they have to comeback to America where Julia becomes the Julia some of us know. Intertwined is the story of Julie Powell that felt like a loser in her writer profession as she was reaching 30 and was not published yet, how she decides to start her blog and well the rest you have to see the film, as perhaps Powell story is the less known for many.

I concur with many that the third fourth of the movie does not have same pace and rhythm, consequently becomes a littler downer; but I do believe that picks up for the “happy” finale. Production values are top notch and most remarkable are the tricks that they had to do to make Meryl Streep look as tall as the real Julia Child that include platform shoes but also the many great camera angles, smaller objects, etc.

This movie will become a classic, perhaps as strong as Ephron’s Oscar nominated script for When Harry Met Sally and I don’t doubt that Meryl Streep will (has to) get an Oscar nomination for her extraordinary, remarkable and unforgettable performance as Julia Child, she really becomes her. Some not really familiar with the real Julia Child find Streep’s character odd; well that’s the way the real woman was portrayed on her TV show, she was a true spectacle.

A very entertaining film with extraordinary performances by Streep and Adams that I do recommend to everyone that wants some joy in their lives. Strongly suggest that if you LOVE French cuisine (as I do) do not watch this movie on an empty stomach! Lol!


Watch trailer @ Movie On Companion

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