Thursday, January 03, 2008

19th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival

Today this festival begins with the screening of Then She Found Me and it is impossible to list here the huge amount of movies that the fest will screen, so I suggest you browse their site. But what amazes me is the large amount of Lesbian Interest (well, not that many) and Gay Interest (many!) movies they’ll be screening! So seems like Palm Springs is not only about the Dinah Shore weekend, lol! So, if you live nearby DO NOT miss the movies.

Just for fun here is a short list with some of the LG Interest movies:

Out at the Wedding, Lee Friedlander, USA
The Edge of Heaven, Faith Akin, Germany and Turkey
Vivere, Angelina Maccarone, Germany

Black White + Gray, USA
Boystown, Spain
Breakfast with Scot, Canada
Call Me Troy, USA
In Memory of Myself, Italy
No Regret, South Korea
Poltergay, France
The Quest of the Missing Piece, Israel
Saturn in Opposition, Italy
Shelter, USA
She’s a Boy I Knew, Canada
Stealth, Switzerland
Unspoken Passion, Philippines
Las Vidas Posibles (Possible Lives), Argentina and Germany (This one sounds really interesting)
Les Temoins (The Witnesses), France
XXY, Argentina
You Belong to Me, USA

To check all the movies go here.

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