Sunday, November 04, 2007


A nice entertaining movie about a child prodigy that longs to be normal by Swiss Fredi M. Murer that will charm you, that is if you do not guess the story from a very early stage as I did.

Still actors perform acceptable and an adorable kid performs Vitus at age 6, while the older Vitus actor does an acceptable job, as his character is totally annoying at times.

But what is just fantastic is the music played by Teo Gheorghiu for real as he is a real-life piano child prodigy and as a critic says “watching the incredible talented Gheroghiu play the piano is worth the price of admission” and definitely is absolutely true. By the way he plays Vitus at age 12.

There are some too evident metaphors in this movie related to family and the freedom to be what you desire to be and not what others desire you to be, it would have been nicer if the metaphors were a little more abstract so the viewer could enjoy more extrapolating the meaning.

The movie won the Best Film and was nominated for Best Screenplay at the 2007 Swiss Film Prize among many other worldwide awards.

Not a masterpiece but very entertaining and after all is a family fable that could appeal to all audiences. I think that if you ever excel way beyond what’s “normal” doing something and longed to not to be noticed that much, then this movie is a must be seen for you.

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